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Cross-project workshop at UFAL

Published: Wednesday, 05 April 2017
Andreia at UC


The Federal Univerity of Alagoas (UFAL) receives in these days the visit of four researchers from the University of Coimbra (UC): Prof. Marilia Curado and Prof. Edmundo Monteiro, which are in their first secondments at UFAL and the returning Prof. Marco Vieira and Prof. Nuno Antunes.


Discussion during the meeting

Marilia is an Assistant Professor at the UC, where she currently leads the Laboratory of Communications and Telematics (LCT). Edmundo is a Full Professor at the UC and is also a member of the LCT.


At the same time, UFAL is also receiving researchers of the project CARECO, which is a Brazilian project funded by PROCAD/CAPES, namely three PhD students from PUC-Rio: Diego Cedrim, which works with code smells and the quality of refactored code, Leonardo da Silva Sousa, which works with code smells and design problems, Roberto Oliveira, which works with collaborative identification of code smells.


A multi-disciplinary cross-project workshop was organized, consisting of a full day of presentations and rich discussions about past and present research activities and potential future collaborations. A diverse set of topics was discussed, including Internet of Things, software engineering and security.


The workshop also included contributions from other researchers, as is the case of Leonardo Oliveira, which works on mutation testing and is a PhD student from UFPE, and Prof. Andre Aquino (smart cities) and Prof. Fábio Coutinho (persistence in cloud environments) (IC-UFAL), and Mario Hozano and Alexandre Barbosa (automatic evaluation of code) (UFAL-Arapiraca). The workshop attracted an average audience above 30 participants.


Audience Workshop