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UNIFI researchers at UFAL

Published: Tuesday, 19 August 2014

The Federal University of Alagoas (UFAL) is nowadays "invaded" by researchers of the University of Florence (UNIFI)!
The group of seconded researchers consists of: Andrea Bondavalli, Andrea Ceccarelli and Leonardo Montecchi.


Andrea Bondavalli is an Associate Professor at the University of Florence where he leads the Resilient Computing Lab. His research activity is focused on safety, security, fault tolerance, evaluation of attributes such as reliability, availability and performability of complex systems and infrastructures. Andrea B. is the Principal Investigator of UNIFI in DEVASSES and will be at UFAL for a 1-month secondment.

Andrea Ceccarelli is a Researcher at the University of Florence, which through years gained experience in design and assessment (especially by testing) of critical systems. His PhD focused the analysis of critical systems through rigorous, reproducible and comparable experimental assessment. Andrea C. will fulfill a 2-months secondment.

Leonardo Montecchi is a Post-Doc research fellow at the University of Florence. His research interests focus on model-based evaluation and model-driven engineering techniques applied to the design and assessment of critical systems, and during his PhD he proposed a methodology and framework for model-driven dependability analysis of critical embedded systems and directions towards systems of systems. Leonardo will be at UFAL for 3-months.


The plans for their secondments include sharing their experience with UFAL researchers and students, with the objective of building collaborations.


A. Bondavalli at UFAL

Secondment Kick-off Workshop

To kick-off the secondments' works, UFAL organized a workshop on August 12 with attendance of local students and professors. Besides a presentation of the UNIFI research group by A. Bondavalli, the presentations of the workshop included: “Online monitoring – A framework for user identity verification” by A. Bondavalli; “Design and security assessment of a protocol for continuous user identity verification” by A. Ceccarelli, presenting recent results on the design and assessment of a continuous authentication protocol for biometric devices; “Model-based evaluation: some challenges and approaches” where L. Montecchi introduced model-based evaluation, providing an overview of three contributions of UNIFI in that field, and also “Dependable and Secure Services: Research at the University of Coimbra” by Nuno Laranjeiro, a researcher from the University of Coimbra, also seconded at UFAL.