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Marco Vieira’s secondment and talk at UNICAMP

Published: Thursday, 24 July 2014

Marco Vieira has arrived to Limeira for a 2-month secondment at the UNICAMP. Marco is an Assistant Professor at the University of Coimbra and is the scientific coordinator of the project.


Taking advantage of the presence of multiple researchers from Portugal in Limeira, the II workshop DEVASSES@FT was held on July 24. During the workshop Marco presented the talk “To BEnchmark or Not To BEnchmark Security“. The workshop included also presentations by other seconded researcher, local students and other visiting researchers. Check the workshop pages for details!


During the secondment, Marco will continue the ongoing work with local researchers including: co-advising Tânia Basso on a reference architecture for data privacy in web applications and co-advising the work of Daniel Vecchiato on assessing the security of mobile devices. The plan also includes lectures on dependability and security evaluation targeting the local students.


Finally, the secondment will allow to search for funding opportunities for the medium/long term and also to work on the organization of the upcoming TOK Workshop and on the definition of the preliminary conceptual framework architecture for the DEVASSES project.