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Andrea Bondavalli secondment in Campinas

Published: Thursday, 20 August 2015


Prof. Andrea Bondavalli arrived on August 5 to Campinas for a secondment in the context of the DEVASSES project at University of Campinas (FT-UNICAMP).

Most of the secondment will be spent at the Institute of Computing, where diverse activities are planned with the local professors and students. This includes the “statutory” seminar, which in this secondment was on “Dependability modeling and analysis integrated in a model-driven engineering framework", and happened on August 17, and other seminars, such as “AMADEOS: bringing time awareness into the design of system-of-systems”, and also on “the GUARDS Architecture”.


This period also allows for lectures to graduate and undergraduate students on the themes of DEVASSES project, as part of the Transfer of Knowledge (ToK) activities and is also very useful for planning and coordination of future secondments of the UNIFI and UNICAMP teams.

Further ToK and dissemination activities were carried out, including visits and seminars at the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS), in Campo Grande (Aug. 14) and at the National Institute for Space Research (INPE), in São José dos Campos (Aug. 18).


Prof. Bondavalli is an Associate Professor at the University of Florence (UNIFI) where he leads the Resilient Computing Lab. His research activity is focused on safety, security, fault tolerance, evaluation of attributes such as reliability, availability and performability of complex systems and infrastructures. He is the Principal Investigator of UNIFI in DEVASSES.