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The School of Technology of UNICAMP organized the the first local workshop in the context of the DEVASSES project. The workshop featured talks presenting the project and a series of presentations by local the PhD and MSc students.

FT-UNICAMP from the sky

The presentations are public and everyone is welcome to attend and participate of the discussions.


Event information:


Preliminar Program:

9:30 Marco Vieira (UC) Presentation of DEVASSES project 15min
9:45 Regina Moraes (UNICAMP) Presentation of Agile Requirements 10min
10:00 Daniele Januário (UNICAMP) Dependencies among User Stories 30min
10:30 Ricardo Barbosa (UNICAMP) Aggregation of User Stories 30min
11:00 Tânia Basso (UNICAMP) Reference Architecture 30min
11:30 Everaldo Leme(UNICAMP) Failues in Mobile Cloud 30min
12:00 William Paiva(UNICAMP) Complex Networks and Dependability Assurance 30min
12:30 Regina Moraes (UNICAMP) Wrap Up 10min