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UC@UFAL Seminar Series 2015


IC-UFAL Building

The Institute of Computing of the UFAL took advantage of the presence of multiple UC seconded researchers and organized a series of seminars in the context of the DEVASSES project.


These seminars provide the opportunity to present the work that is being developed at the UFAL by the students of Prof. Baldoino's group and discuss opportunities for potential collaborations.


There was also the opportunity to the UC researchers to present the work they are currently developing and look for students interested in collaborating.
Below we present the complete list of talks.

List of Seminars

Mario Hozano (UFAL) Combining Rule Learning and Developer's Feedback to Improve Code Smell Detection
Henrique Ferreira (UFAL) Using Software Metrics to Predict Vulnerabilities
Marcus Piancó (UFAL) Using Change History Information to Predict Vulnerabilities
Marco Vieira (UC) Dependable and Secure Computing @ UC:
Past… present… & future
Iran Gonzaga (UFAL) Assessing Fine-grained Feature Dependencies
Lucas Amorim (UFAL) A Method for the Automatic Discovery of Rules to Detect Bad Smells
Cristiana Areias (UC) Tests and Fault Injection to Understand how Failures Propagate in SOAs
Nuno Antunes (UC) Evaluating Intrusion Detection Systems in Virtualization Environments