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Brazilian Researchers Seconded in Coimbra

Published: Monday, 27 February 2017
Eliane Martins at UC


Wellington Moura, from UNICAMP, just arrived in February to Coimbra to spend a 2-month secondment, while Prof. Eliane Martins is concluding a 2 months secondment with the UC. Earlier in Feburary, Mario Hozano returned to UFAL, after concluding his secondment in Coimbra.



Wellington is a MSc student at the Institute of Computing (IC-UNICAMP), under the supervision of Prof. Eliane and Prof. Nuno Laranjeiro (UC). Wellington’s MSc topic is focused on the robustness assessment in containers environments. The secondment period will be key for the development of the MSc works and it is planned the design and development of a robustness testing tool for the Docker interface. The overlap with Eliane’s secondment was key for the definition of the secondment activities.


Eliane returns to UC, after last year’s January secondment. This secondment was an opportunity to continue with past collaborations, namely the ongoing projects with participation of UNICAMP and UC (EUBra-BIGSEA and SORTS). Eliane presented the work she has been developing with her students in Using Behaviour Models for Robustness Testing.


Mario is a PhD student at UFAL, under supervision of Prof. Baldoino Fonseca, and his research focuses on techniques able to deal with the subjective definition of code smells by different developing teams. Mario arrived in December for a secondment in which he worked with Nuno Antunes (UC) on the experimental component of his work, focusing on the evaluation his techniques and comparison with machine learning techniques. The time in Coimbra was also important to discuss the topic with the local researchers. In November, he presented the talk “Smells are sensitive to developers! On the efficiency of (un)guided customized detection” to the local researchers and students (bottom photo).


Prof. Madeira's Audience